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2021 Digital Marketing Trends: Online Marketing Techniques From DIGITORY

2021 Digital Marketing Trends - Online Marketing Techniques from DIGITORY

DIGITORY defines Digital Marketing Trends 2020 that it is a year of “surviving” because any plans may not be as expected. This is the result of the COVID crisis affecting all over the world, not even our country. We have to admit that some businesses have lost their income until they shut down the business. However, the same crisis has motivated some businesses to ‘survive’ in 2020.

Even though we’ve been through this year’s crisis, keep in mind that there is still a lot more to come in 2021. This is a sign that all businesses need to be prepared

The summary of Digital Marketing Trends in 2021

  • Easy to shop and Sell in a single post (Shoppable posts)
  • Search but do not click (No-click Searches)
  • Content that encourages participation (Interactive Content)
  • Buy advanced ads and keep improving ads (Advanced Optimization)
  • Maintain customers (Customer Relationship)

DIGITORY would like to share Online Marketing Trends 2021 and introduce some tips and tricks to prepare your business for the upcoming year 2021.

1. Easy to shop and Sell in a single post (Shoppable posts)

Many of you may hear about the terms of Social Commerce or the use of Social Media platforms for doing business. It is called a trend that has paved the way for 1-2 years ago. You could see that there are many features that platforms started to add to make it playful to businesses such as,

Facebook Shop

Facebook Shop from DIGITORY

Opening an online shop on Facebook, Payment method, and tagged products in the post before purchasing Facebook Ads to promote products or services.

Instagram Shopping

Instagram Shopping

Bring products from Catalog (can connect from Facebook) and tag products in the post. Customers no need to capture and send pictures, they can order products straight away.



You can create a store on LINE Official Account called “LINE MySHop” that can accept payments via Rabbit LINE Pay. Moreover, you can manage orders easily via an application.

These platforms have added merchandising functionality to business accounts. At present, some platforms have already been extended to the Payment Gateway. Besides, merchandise trading is also convenient and secured.

From the customer’s perspective: ordering product is no longer difficult and responds to customers’ lifestyles. Customers can purchase products and services online via chat and make payments through the application. Thus, you don’t have to be afraid of making mistakes, which is one factor that drives more online purchasers.

From a business point of view: increase the chances of selling more products. You don’t have to worry about scammers or the customer who sends fake slips because the system has connected details altogether.

Suggestion: Business owners should study Social Commerce and online marketing trends of 2021 that cannot be missed by setting up an online store on the Social Media platform and connecting a payment system to get ready for customers from online marketing campaigns.

2. Search but do not click (No-click Searches)

If you are a person who likes to search on Google for specific problems, you may see strange search result faces, such as:

Featured Snippet from DIGITORY

This is how it looks like Featured Snippets, also known as “position 0,” which is a display that offers more descriptive information than regular search results. This would create an easy way for people to search for answers without clicking inside to waste time! It sounds like it will benefit the customer. But it may be a disadvantage for business owners who do websites. Because some people may think that the customer has finished reading the information and then turns off the search immediately and not reading further.

However, DIGITORY has done a test between the Featured Snippets page and the standard ranked webpage. As a result, the carrier ranked “position 0” has almost double the number of visitors.

From the customer’s point of view: search results looking new Give clear answers Some designs have pictures. It can affect brand recognition.

From a business point of view: increase the search results area and making it possible to squeeze the competitor’s website. Also, increase the opportunity for customers interested in the product or service to read more details.

Suggestion: We need to select keywords that want to rank well and do SEO on the website to bidding better search result.

3. Content that invites participation (Interactive Content)

Because the behavior of the online platform users has become more assertive. Everyone wants to be involved and wants to express their thoughts on what happened. Thus, businesses can easily use these situations to motivate people to become more interested in their products or services by creating content that encourages people to participate. Either as an invitation to comment or vote on something.

Twitter Conversational Ads

For example, using Conversational Ads on Twitter to run a new product recommendation campaign instead of offering a single product. Therefore, people can vote on how they want the product to be qualified. It will get the amount of participation in the body (PS. This campaign must contact an agency partnered with Twitter to be the operator). Still, apart from this campaign, there are many other ways to do online marketing, such as:

  • Turning on Facebook voting
  • Opening a poll on Twitter
  • Sending questionnaires to customers in LINE Official Account
  • Using Instagram Stories to vote

From the customer’s perspective: feel the business has an opportunity to talk. It is two-way communication, not just listening to the industry. This helps your business can overcome a good relationship.

From a business point of view: receiving mixed opinions may find comments helpful. It can be developed to improve and gain the highest engagement, as well.

Suggestion: Communication must be planned carefully because of the activities that play with the crowd. There can be both positive and negative results. Therefore, must be prepared for this.

4. Buy Advanced ads and keep improving ads (Advanced Optimization)

Another must-have digital marketing trend in 2021 is buying Facebook Ads. It is undeniable that everyone nowadays has easy access to online advertising tools.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is a popular online advertising tool. There are various advertising objectives to choose started from generating awareness to conversion.

Instagram Ads

You can purchase ads quickly through the Instagram application or through Facebook Ads Manager system as well.

LINE Official Account

LINE Official Account has been using as a tool for talking to customers. Currently, you can also buy promotion ads and earn more followers, such as Gain Friends Ads.

Twitter Ads

Reach out to teenagers Beginners work with Twitter ads. You can choose from a variety of objectives, but the cost will be charged in USD.

Google Ads

Offer to sell products and services to people who search for keywords related to your business. There are various ad formats, and you can create advertisements on YouTube as well.

Advanced Optimization

Besides, these platforms have their own ad managers and suitable for all people to purchase advertisements without going through Ads Agency. Indeed, there are good and bad sides. Because anyone can run ads, it causing more business competitors. In addition to direct competitors, indirect competitors sell similar products and have the same target audience. Therefore, causing the tendency of advertising costs to rise implicitly.

Choosing the Right Digital Advertising Platform for your business by Winnow Digital Marketing | Medium

The only direction to win the rivals at a lower cost is to keep improving advertising campaigns (Ads Optimization). For example, doing content that meets customers’ interests or studies the bidding strategy for each platform. Most importantly, learn how to do more in-depth advertising to save cost.

From the customer’s point of view: If the business is continuously optimizing advertising campaigns, customers will receive more relevant advertising. Moreover, Facebook Ads optimization can increase the opportunity to make customers more interested in buying products or services.

From a business point of view: a cost-effective advertising budget. The business owner can allocate ads budget to other sources.

Suggestion: Data Analytics must be studied seriously to use that information to make decisions to improve advertising campaigns.

5. Love (s) customers a lot (Customer Relationship)

Customer Relationship

Importantly, business owners should not overlook customer relationship management. For businesses that have been in operation for a while, they will surely have a customer base and contact information on hand, regardless of how you choose to talk to customers. What makes customer retention successful is understanding and empathy.

Maintaining and increasing sales is not everything. You need to really understand your customers first by studying their behavior. If you take a peek, you’ll find that each platform you use comes with an analytics system that’s included, which is where you should go.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics helps you to see customer information who visit the website. Also, know from the channels that what customers do on the website. For example, which page to view and what products to buy, enabling us to effectively organize such activities as a customer base.

Facebook Page Insights

See what happened on the fan page, the engagement of each post, the promotion we made, the rate of Inbox greetings, or the sale’s closing.

LINE Official Account Insights

See LINE OA history, including the number of followers, chats, use of coupons, reward points on loyalty cards, test results, and satisfaction measurement to analyze the campaign’s success.

From the customer’s perspective: when the business develops products or launches new promotions that come out to match, customers would like to stay with that brand. This is called “Brand Loyalty”.

From a business point of view: reduce the cost of generating sales without focusing solely on finding new customers. Besides, the business owner can make existing customers re-purchase products or result in word of mouth from an existing customer to prospect customers. Moreover, enabling businesses to gain new customers.

Suggestion: Find your customer’s Insight and think about the campaign to build a good experience with customers.

That’s all about 5 Digital Marketing Trends 2021 from DIGITORY. Many of you might start adapting to the trends today, while some businesses may not be able to adjust. However, you should try applying the techniques that we recommend to use. If you have any questions about online marketing, you can contact DIGITORY.

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